Offline marketing ideas to promote your business

Online marketing is usually prioritized over offline marketing and that’s reasonable. The Internet has changed everything, and businesses tend to focus on online marketing strategies since this is the best way to promote a business. However, there is still a lot of potential in offline marketing activities and based on our extensive experience, we can say that you can best promote your business with online and offline marketing efforts combined. We have talked a lot about online marketing and today, we’ll focus on some brilliant offline marketing ideas that will help you boost your website traffic and thus promote your business.

Advertise in printed media

This might be the age of the Internet, but people still read newspapers and magazines. Identify a magazine close to your target audience’s niche and advertise there. They will see you and hear about you and that’s a great start.

Printed marketing material

Flyers, pamphlets and brochures are a great way to promote your business offline. If you are selling products, you might want to add discount coupons to your flyers or if you are selling services, flyers are a great way to offer a free initial consultation. Don’t forget to be creative in your printed material design – that will catch the reader’s eye immediately.

Business cards

Business cards never get old really. So always make sure that your staff, especially the employees whose job involves a lot of networking or client facing activities, have them handy. And never forget that business cards are a great investment and it is important that they are designed by a professional.


Networking is a great opportunity to create a personal connection with people. So, pick a networking event that is relevant to your industry and start mingling with other guests. Networking events can help you meet potential customers, but you can also build strategic partnerships with other businesses. So, what are you waiting for, go mingle!

Attend tradeshows

Once you have identified a tradeshow relevant to your industry and taken care of your promotional material, you are good to go. You can either attend a trade show as an exhibitor or a visitor attendee and you can for sure generate some quality leads anyway. Tradeshows are also a great opportunity for personal interaction so have your business cards and promotional material handy!

Organize workshops

Workshops are a great opportunity to educate your potential customers. That way you build trust with them and establish yourself as an authority on the subject. And that’s exactly the core of the relationship you want to have with your customers. Don’t forget to use this opportunity to hand out promotional material!

Be seen

Be everywhere! Think about billboards as outdoor advertising or if you have a car, consider featuring your email address or your logo on it. Or what about having an office sign outside of your office? There are so many ways to get creative and be seen without spending too much money on advertising.

In summary

Yes, there are so many ways to promote your business offline. For most of these activities, the design is very important,  and you will need a professional designer to help with this. But we can help you just the way we helped Newcastle based Liquidators & Insolvency Practitioners, Connect Insolvency with branding and printing.


Connect Insolvency Business Cards